A summer event about the organs of the March of Treviso
This event is held every summer and is able to conquer the audience with its fresh image and appealing programmes of organ concerts with other instruments and voices.
Originality and variety are the two main features of Organi Estate®: a series of concerts proposed during the summer season, with a lighter and more creative approach than the other festivals.
Formations and repertoire choices are in fact varied and original, as well as the choice of establishing a dialogue between the organ and other instruments, which creates surprising and captivating sounds.
Furthermore, in order to shorten to bring the audience closer to the performers, all concerts are projected on a big screen and are alternated with didactic interludes aimed at presenting the main traits of both the music and the instruments featured.
There are therefore always two protagonists during these events: the young performers promoted by Antiqua Vox® constantly and the many treasured historical instruments of the March of Treviso, which can thus return to being played and to thrill those who hear them.
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